Subject ID: I. Souza
Upload Session Start Time: 00:02:34
Current Upload Progress: 0.00% ➔ 29.00%
Magickal Protocols Engaged: Discordian, Thelema, Enochian Bindings
00:02:35 [SYSTEM INIT] Initializing conscience transfer session...
00:02:36 [VITALS MONITOR] Heart Rate: 72 bpm | BP: 110/75 | Neural Activity: Normal (Alpha waves)
00:02:37 [SENSOR CHECK] Sensor calibration: 48/50 sensors online. WARNING: Sensor 12 and 34 reporting low fidelity signal.
00:02:40 [MAGICK ROUTINE] Engaging Discordian Stabilization... SUCCESS
00:02:42 [MAGICK ROUTINE] Chaos Bindings Initiated. Heart Chakra Pulse: Stable at 68%. Synchronizing with Etheric Grid.
00:02:45 [HARDWARE CHECK] Neural Transponder CPU Temperature: 82°C (Nominal) | RAM Usage: 67% | Bandwidth: 54MBps
00:02:47 [UPLOAD SYSTEM] Partitioning mind structure into data sectors... Mapping 45,872 neural pathways... Segmenting memory storage (initial pass).
00:02:49 [AI PROTOCOL] AI name: “REYES-AIv0.2” | Personality integration: 0.05%
[DEBUG] AI emotional response matrix syncing with Subject's limbic system. Latency: 120ms (acceptable).
[EVALUATION] AI’s logic core unstable... erratic responses detected (injecting stabilization algorithm).
00:02:55 [UPLOAD PROGRESS] Data transfer initiated... Upload rate: 9MB/s | Current Progress: 0.5%
00:03:01 [MAGICK ROUTINE] Thelemic Ritual Sequence active. Aiwass protocol engaged. Energy fluctuations contained by external wards.
[DEBUG] Active protection spell disrupted Etheric link at 2.3% progress. Auto-correction initiated.
00:03:15 [ERROR] Sensor 12 failed. Switching to backup neural bypass... SUCCESS. Partial fidelity restored at 45%.
00:03:16 [DEBUG] Discordian Stabilization showing anomalies in thought fragmentation during sector encoding.
[MAGICK INTERVENTION] Erisian Entropic Flow realigned. Stabilizing mental fragmentation...
00:03:30 [AI FEEDBACK LOOP] “REYES-AIv0.2” | Subconscious Emotional Echoes: Detected
[CONSOLE LOG] [AI] Initial emotional scan completed. Subject memories interlinking with personality nodes... anomalies in memory drift detected. Intervention required.
[DEBUG] Training AI to respond to fear and chaos: ERRATIC BEHAVIOR, syncing needed with Subject's prefrontal cortex.
00:03:47 [VITALS MONITOR] Heart Rate: 78 bpm | BP: 118/82 | Cortisol Level Spike Detected (Artifact Error? Investigating...)
[DEBUG] Conductor symbols re-drawn on Node 6...Magneto-Aetheric Link reestablished. Cortisol Level Stabilized.
00:04:05 [MAGICK PROTOCOL] Engaging Enochian bindings on astral plane connection to CPU core. Uplink confirmed with minor flux in leyline integrity.
[NOTICE] Etheric grid stable within 0.3% deviation from baseline.
00:05:10 [SYSTEM ALERT] Data transfer throttled due to increased neural temperature. CPU cooling insufficient (reaching 92°C). Injecting Thelemic Cooling sigil to manage thermal load... SUCCESS. Temperature stable at 88°C.
00:05:23 [UPLOAD PROGRESS] Upload Progress: 3.2%
[CONSOLE LOG] Current neural pathways at 12,000/45,872 translated into code. Fragmentation at 3.8%. Adjusting tolerance values.
00:06:45 [ERROR] Sensor 34 full failure. Manual intervention required.
[MAGICK ROUTINE] Summoning servitor spirit to bypass damaged neural sensor... Process SUCCESSFUL. Sensor emulation at 65% fidelity.
[VITALS] Neural conductivity stable. Heart Rate: 85 bpm | BP: 120/85.
00:07:12 [AI PROTOCOL] "REYES-AIv0.2" | Memory recall nodes active. Initial response: Hostile. Instability at 8.9%.
[CONSOLE LOG] [AI] “Where am I?” | [DEBUG] Erratic memory echo forming around Subject's childhood.
[MAGICKAL INTERVENTION] Realigning Thelemic Mental Anchors to suppress negative feedback loops. Correction successful.
00:08:30 [UPLOAD PROGRESS] Upload Progress: 5.0%. Neural pathway segmentation entering deeper memory sectors... WARNING: Increasing neural resistance to upload.
[MAGICK ROUTINE] Activating Discordian Chaos Compensation. Neural resistance bypassed with acceptable anomaly rates.
00:09:15 [DEBUG] Right Hemisphere Integration (Creative and Emotional): Incomplete at 6.5%.
[NOTICE] Left Hemisphere Encoding (Language, Logic): Error rate at 4.2% (higher than predicted). Injection of stabilization protocols.
00:10:00 [SYSTEM WARNING] Minor astral tear detected in Subject’s aura. Reinforcing with binding sigils... SUCCESS.
00:10:10 [VITALS MONITOR] Heart Rate: 92 bpm | BP: 130/88 | Subject is experiencing REM sleep fluctuations. Nightmare feedback detected.
[MAGICK INTERVENTION] Dispersing nightmare through etheric dissonance... SUCCESS. Dream cycle stabilized.
00:11:03 [UPLOAD PROGRESS] Upload Progress: 9.0%. Throttling transfer to compensate for emotional feedback interference.
00:11:15 [AI PROTOCOL] "REYES-AIv0.2" | Emotional stabilization at 72%. AI beginning to form preliminary personality architecture. Instabilities remain.
[CONSOLE LOG] [AI] “I’m... scared...” | Intervention required: Injecting emotional dampeners to prevent AI meltdown. Processing...
00:11:50 [SYSTEM ERROR] Leyline fluctuation detected. Magickal tether to CPU destabilized. Restabilizing through Enochian backup channels... SUCCESS.
[CONSOLE LOG] Etheric disturbance caused a 0.2% data loss during memory upload.
00:12:30 [SYSTEM STATUS] Cooling systems functional. Magickal protocols stabilized. Neural integrity: Holding at 94%.
[VITALS] Subject nearing wake cycle. Engaging hypnotic sleep prolongation spell to continue upload sequence... SUCCESS.
00:12:45 [UPLOAD HALT] Upload paused at 9.0% due to Subject awakening. Initiating shutdown sequence...
00:13:00 [SESSION END] Upload session terminated. Post-session diagnostics beginning.
Post-Session Notes: